class AdaBoost(data, random_state_value=None, test_value=None)

AdaBoost class Implementation

class DecisionTree(min_samples_leaf)

Decision tree classifier class

class GradientBoosting(data, random_state_value=None, test_value=None)

Gradient Boosting classifier class Implementation

class Helper(n_estimators, random_state, x, y, n_splits)
class IndexerARIMA(order, *args, **kwargs)

Base stats api model (ARIMA) class Implementation.


  • data: dataframe that contains the data


  • a ARIMA model
class IndexerBDLSTM(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations)

Implementation of Bidirectional LSTM

class IndexerBagging(model, n_estimators=10)

Method to assign variables when the class is called.

Args: model (Keras Model): Taiyo_ model class instances from the Repo n_estimators (int): the number of estimators for the bagging model.the 10 means ten models of the param model will me made and the results will be combined in a weighted average fashion

class IndexerCatBoost(iterations, depth, learning_rate, loss_function='RMSE')
class IndexerConvBDLSTM(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, network_width, conv_depth, kernel_size, num_lstmunits)

Implementation of 1D Conv + BDLSTM Model input_shape: shape of input data, (n_memory_steps, n_in_features) network_width : The number of parellel 1D conv - BDLSTM units conv_depth : The number of 1D conv + Maxpool layers before the BDLSTM num_lstmunits : Number of LSTM units in the BDLSTM kernel_size : The kernel_size in the 1D Conv layers (The most important parameter, ideally should be 9)

(1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- ... -- (BDLSTM -- Dropout - Dense) (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- ... -- (BDLSTM -- Dropout - Dense) . . Concat -- Dense . (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- (1D Conv -- MaxPool1D) -- ... -- (BDLSTM -- Dropout - Dense) /

class IndexerDecisionTree(min_samples_leaf)

Decision Tree class Implementation.


  • args: min_samples_leaf


  • a Decision tree model based on inputs
class IndexerDilatedConv(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, n_filters, filter_width)

===== Model Architecture ===== 16 dilated causal convolutional blocks Preprocessing and postprocessing (time distributed) fully connected layers (convolutions with filter width 1): 16 output units

32 filters of width 2 per block Exponentially increasing dilation rate with a reset (1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 128, 1, 2, ..., 128) Gated activations

Residual and skip connections 2 (time distributed) fully connected layers to map sum of skip outputs to final output

neurons (any int .ie 8) so the the model looks like [1,2,4,..2^8,1,2,4,..2^8] Note : Some activations are fixed and not meant to be changed.

class IndexerEncoderDecoderRNN(input_shape, output_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, cell)

Implementation of Encoder Decoder RNN model without teacher forcing input_shape: shape of input data, (n_memory_steps, n_in_features) output_shape: shape of output data, (n_forcast_steps, n_out_features) cell: cell in the RNN part, 'SimpleRNN' / 'LSTM' / 'GRU' cell_units: number of hidden cell unit in RNN part, integer, e.g. 100 dense_units: units of the hidden dense layers, a tuple, e.g, (20,30)

class IndexerGRU(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations)

Gated Recurrent Network Implementation

class IndexerIdentity()

Base stats api model class Implementation.


  • data: dataframe that contains the data


  • a stats api model
class IndexerKNNRegressor(n_neighbors)

KNN Regressor class Implementation.

class IndexerLSTM(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, r_dropouts)

Long Short Term Memory class abstraction

Args: r_dropouts (list(float)): list of doubles (0 - 1) of length neurons - 1 defining the dropout at each level - do not include the final layer

class IndexerLogisticRegression(regularization_value)

Logistic Regression class Implementation.


  • args: regularization_value


  • a logistic regression model based on inputs
class IndexerMA(days)

Base stats api model (Moving Average) class Implementation.


  • data: dataframe that contains the data


  • a moving average model
class IndexerMLP(hidden_layer_sizes=2, activation='relu', solver='lbfgs', max_iter=200)

Initialising variables


  • length (int): length of the input array - part of the definition of the first layer shape
  • numAttr (int): number of attributes - second part of the definition of the first layer shape
  • neurons (int): array of ints defining the number of neurons in each layer and the number of layers (by the length of the array) - Do not include the final layer
  • dropouts (list(float)): array of doubles (0 - 1) of length neurons - 1 defining the dropout at each level - do not include the final layer
  • activations (list(str)): array of strings of length neurons to define the activation of each layer - do not include the final layer
class IndexerModel()

This is an abstract class that is used as a parent class for all model abstractions

class IndexerNF(shift)

Base stats api model (Naive forecaster) class Implementation.


  • data: dataframe that contains the data


  • a Naive forcaster model
class IndexerRNN(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations)

Base RNN class Implementation.

Args: input_shape tuple(int, int): A tuple of (length of sequence, number of features) neurons List[int]: array of ints defining the number of neurons in each layer and the number of layers (by the length of the array) - Do not include the final layer dropouts List[float]: array of doubles (0 - 1) of length neurons - 1 defining the dropout at each level - do not include the final layer activations List[str]: array of strings of length neurons to define the activation of each layer - do not include the final layer

class IndexerRNNDense(input_shape, output_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, cell, dense_units)

Implementation of RNN + Dense Layer Model input_shape: shape of input data, (n_memory_steps, n_in_features) output_shape: shape of output data, (n_forcast_steps, n_out_features) cell: cell in the RNN part, 'SimpleRNN' / 'LSTM' / 'GRU' neurons: number of hidden cell unit in RNN part, integer, e.g. 100 dense_units: units of the hidden dense layers, a tuple, e.g, (20,30)

class IndexerRNNHiddenDense(input_shape, output_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations, cell, dense_units, stack_size)

Implementation of Stacked RNN + Dense Layer Model, here the hidden states go to the dense layers

input_shape: shape of input data, (n_memory_steps, n_in_features) output_shape: shape of output data, (n_forcast_steps, n_out_features) cell: cell in the RNN part, 'SimpleRNN' / 'LSTM' / 'GRU' cell_units: number of hidden cell unit in RNN part, integer, e.g. 100 dense_units: units of the hidden dense layers, a tuple, e.g, (20,30) stack_size : The size of the stack of RNN layers before the dense ones.

class IndexerSVR(kernel)

SVR class Implementation.

class IndexerSimpleRNN(input_shape, neurons, dropouts, activations)

SimpleRNN model using RNN Layers

class IndexerStackingRegressor(n_estimators, random_state)
class IndexerVotingRegressor(min_samples_split, n_estimators, max_features)
class IndexerXGBoost(n_estimators, max_depth, learning_rate, min_child_weight, reg_alpha)
class KNeighbors(data, random_state_value=None, test_value=None)
class LightGBM()

LightGBM classifier class Implementation

class LogisticRegression(regularization_value)

Logistic Regression classifier class Implementation

class NaiveBayes()

Naive Bayes classifier class Implementation

class RandomForest(min_samples_split, n_estimators, max_features)

Random forest class Implementation

class SKLearnBaseEstimator(args, kwargs)

Base SK Learn Model class Implementation.


  • args: (Dict) arguements of the base model
  • kwargs: (Dict) kwargs of the base model



class SVM(kernel, C, gamma)

Support vector machine class Implementation

class Voting(kernel, C, gamma, voting, min_samples_split, n_estimators, max_features)

Voting classifier class Implementation

class XGBoost(n_estimators, max_depth, learning_rate, objective)

XGBoost classifier class Implementation
